Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rainbow Joe

(This is a current post-- I just wrote it today)

I went to a thrift store the other day and bought a couple of things. One of them was a backpack. Inside the backpack was a couple of surprises. One was a small piece of paper with one typewritten sentence on it. All it said was “Vote for Rainbow Joe.”

So I guess I just want to publicly state that whoever you are, and wherever you are, Rainbow Joe, I’m rooting for you. You have my vote. Anyone who calls themselves Rainbow Joe and then aspires to public office is cool in my book. So if you’re out there somewhere, drop me a line. Let me know if you won.

1 comment:

  1. I think Rainbow Joe is a character in a childrens' reading text.
    Or a guy named Joe in a band called Rainbow.
